Exploring Justice from the Inside Out: A Community Dialogue on Spirituality, Religion and Justice.

NSRJ would like to invite you to our upcoming public event which is Exploring Justice from the Inside Out: A Community Dialogue on Spirituality, Religion and Justice.
All community members are warmly invited to our upcoming Community Dialogue where we will explore some nuances of restorative justice and how our own perspectives on spirituality and religion inform and shape our understanding of justice.

Wednesday May 31st, 6pm until 8.30pm,

Delbrook Community Center, North Building, Cedar Room.

Please RSVP on the NSRJ website http://www.nsrj.ca/events/exploring-justice-from-the-inside-out/2017-05-31

– your community rj advocates

Assistant Youth Program Coordinator, Chilliwack Restorative Justice & Youth Advocacy Association

Chilliwack Restorative Justice and Youth Advocacy Association is looking for 2 Assistant Youth Program Coordinators.  For more information click on the following links:



Please email your resumes to programdirector@restoringjustice.ca


– your community rj advocates

NSRJ and 2017 Scotiabank Charity Challenge

The annual Scotiabank Charity Challenge takes participants along a scenic route, past beaches and mountains, and finishes in beautiful Stanley Park. Last year NSRJ had an incredibly positive experience, and were able to raise over $8,000 that went directly to NSRJ’s programming. We hope that you will consider joining our team this year! Click here for more information.

– your community rj advocates